Since 1986,
the award-winning, monthly, newsletter has been reporting on the college
admissions and financial aid issues that affect millions of high school
students and their parents each admissions season.
subscribers include high school principals and administrators,
counselors, teachers and librarians, college admissions officers and
administrators, private college counselors, legislators, parents and
college-bound students across the United States and in 40-plus nations.
COLLEGE BOUND brings its loyal readers the most-up-to-date
data and information about the continuously changing admissions and financial
aid scene at U.S. colleges and universities from the Ivy League to the Pacific
12 and hundreds of public and private schools in between, as well as analysis
of how the trends are changing the admission opportunities for students and
parents all around the world.
The monthly COLLEGE BOUND newsletter is now hosted
on collegeboundnews.com, and continues to offer the same kind of important information
that students and families need in order to make intelligent college decisions.
COLLEGE BOUND provides facts that counselors find useful as they advise their students;
COLLEGE BOUND provides information that college admissions officers need in order to
see national trends and plan strategies for attracting and enrolling their students.
collegeboundnews.com website reaches a broad worldwide
audience and has other neat features such as "the "Admissions Story-of-the-Day." Hosting the
COLLEGE BOUND newsletter on
allows everyone in the school community -from
counselors and teachers to students and their
parents- to read it at their convenience from school
or home,
In 1986, we started
COLLEGE BOUND as a simple printed newsletter
and we will continue to use the newsletter format (now a PDF file) that you can print & staple yourself.
Now we provide the best of both worlds:
collegeboundnews.com is accessible to virtually anyone in your school or college
community and the current (and past) COLLEGE BOUND newsletters are hosted there.
When we started in 1986,
COLLEGE BOUND was just a four page printed
newsletter with important, up-to-date information.
Now College Bound reaches tens of thousands readers around the world.
The college admissions process and financial aid
options are more complex than
ever and that is why you need resources like the
COLLEGE BOUND newsletter and the other neat features
found only on collegeboundnews.com.
Subscribe Now